Directed by Mckenzie Horseman
Auditions will be held at the Susquehanna Dance Studio located at
Entrance #2 on the HCC Campus.
Performance dates Friday, December 6 - Sunday, December 8, 2024
Dancers Ages 6-8 with a Minimum of 1 Year Dance Training
Registration: 10:00 AM
Audition: 10:30–11:30 AM
Please wear leotard, tights, solid color skirt/shorts, ballet shoes.
Dancers Ages 9- 11 with a Minimum of 1 Year Dance Training
Registration: 11:00 AM
Audition: 11:30–1:00 PM
Please wear leotard, tights, solid color skirt/shorts, ballet shoes. If you are interested in auditioning for a tap piece, bring your tap shoes.
Dancers Ages 12+ with a Minimum of 3 Years Dance Training
Registration: 12:30 PM
Audition/Class: 1:00–2:30 PM
Please wear leotard, tights, solid color skirt/shorts, ballet/pointe shoes. If you are interested in auditioning for a tap piece, bring your tap shoes.
**Some dancers may be asked to stay for a second audition time.**
Accessibility: Harford Community College is committed to promoting the full participation of all individuals with disabilities at the event. For disability-related accommodations, contact 443-412-2211 at least two weeks in advance.
If you have any questions, please contact Suzie Thompson at